God has been so close to me lately and I am learning a lot. My first lesson was on answered prayer, a beautiful theme that continues to occur in my life. Prayer is so powerful and if we commit to spending daily time with our Father He WILL hear us and respond! I received another generous financial donation to go towards my medical bill debt this week from a professor here at LCC, someone who is also on missionary support! That is an example of a faithful servant! When I got the news I didn't freak out like I normally do, but instead sat in joyful acceptance. I actually felt a bit guilty later that I didn't get emotional or frantic about it, but then I realized that my peaceful reaction was appropriate. God has given me no reason to distrust Him and when he answers my prayers its ok to not be completely shocked, because that is what He does! I like that I have gotten to this level of trust, and that I can peacefully wait upon the Lord to send me the help I need. He has heard my prayers and increased my trust! I worry less, and trust in Him more.
Tonight at the Saddleback sermon showing I got to pass out the Purpose Driven Life books that were donated to our group! It was like Christmas morning, the students were so happy to receive them! I can't wait to start having meaningful conversations about the book soon :) Kale, another Resident Director here at LCC was able to play some live worship for us tonight. Hearing a group of voices worshipping together is often better than a big musical production, it was so nice to have that opportunity. Please keep praying for the student attending this gathering and the ones we need to reach out to still. I always leave these times so filled and I hope everyone else feels the same.
Updates: This past week was a big one fore my grad school class, I am planning to turn in a large project, and a few other homework assignments this weekend and I am praising God for allowing me good time this past week to get all of my work done! I am thoroughly enjoying this program and am so grateful to be a part of it. I am also in the midst of applying for an internship for Student Development Graduate students that will take place this July in Switzerland at Franklin University. Please keep me in your prayers as I go through the application process, this would be an exciting and educational opportunity for me! I am working to get my health insurance set up here in Lithuania and it is taking a little longer than expected. I need to get to the doctors as soon as possible to keep up with my medication so please pray that everything will fall into place next week and I will be able to get an appointment.
Thank you all for your continued support, encouragement, and prayers! I would love to be keeping each of you in prayer as well. Please feel free to send me individual prayer requests anytime. You can reach me on Facebook or email Kbergstrom@lcc.lt. Have a wonderful week!