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Wednesday, June 11, 2014



   My name is Kelsey Bergstrom and I am moving to Lithuania in August to serve as a full time Missionary at an International University. My hope is to show compassion, and Christ's love to the college students at LCC International University. I will be serving in the role of Resident Director in an on-campus dorm. My prayer is to be used where God needs me, in the lives of those who need to find Him.

This summer I am preparing for a big move, and life change. I have come to terms with all that I will be leaving behind, and the special events that I will miss, but through that I have realized all of the wonderful opportunities I will have available to me by simply going, and allowing myself to do God's will. In preparation I am saving up, and slimming down. I have found a summer job and am doing everything I can to find ways to fund this trip. I am working, as well as seeking out donations from friends and family. The slimming down comes into play when I realize how much stuff I have, and compare that to the harsh reality that I can only bring one suitcase with me for an entire year! This sounds crazy but I have done it before and I will do it again. It is a wonderful reminder that our comfort is always found in the Lord, not in our material possessions.

Also in preparation, I am spending time in the word every morning, contemplating what the Lord is showing me and journaling about it, and I am writing this blog, which I plan to keep going throughout the next year of my life. My hope is to keep my people informed, and share the God stories that I encounter during my time in Lithuania.

Thank you for checking out this blog and for being interested in my new adventure. Please keep me and the University (LCC) in your prayers. I will be posting my support letter with more information about my trip, my budget breakdown, and links to the Universities donation page soon!

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