Throughout all of the training I received upon coming to LCC I learned much about Lithuania as a country and some of the facts were quite shocking. I wanted to share them with you, my supporters, because they are the reason that I am here working at a Christian school like LCC. This University is a light in a dark place.
-On the "Positive Emotion Scale" survey Lithuania was almost last, 136 out of 138 countries polled.
The survey included questions like, did you laugh yesterday? Did you get enough rest last night? Do you feel hopeful during the day? Ect.
-Lithuania has one of the highest suicide rates in the world.
-We have Russian and Ukrainian students living and studying in the same place, please pray that this can be a neutral and safe place for them.
-LCC was started to be a beacon of light!

These are some phrases that I have really been mediating on lately. This has been such an eventful week, yesterday was community day which is a big outdoor festival for all the LCC students. My team and I were in charge of the face painting booth! It started to rain at one point and we were left with this amazing double rainbow! My friend Amanda took this picture and it was too good not to share! The last picture is my official RD picture that is up around campus.
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