Most recently I have been worrying about all of the doctor/check-up related appointments I need to fit into my schedule and more importantly figure out a way to pay for! I have waited to visit the doctors and the dentist until I got back home so I'm definitely way overdo for these check-ups. I was on a run today by the beautiful river that runs through the city of Klaipeda and I took out my headphones for a chance to hear God, through nature, prayer, and silence. I started praying about my worries, about the things that I can't prepare for. I am just hoping that people care about the work I am called to here at LCC as much as I do, and feel like this mission is something they want to support, some perhaps for the 2nd year. Raising your own salary is a vulnerable lifestyle. I started praying about these doctors appointments, and then realized that I need to trust God more. If I was Him I would probably be upset at my lack of trust at this point!
Later that day I randomly was picked up one of my journals from last year. I read the exact day that I found out I got the job at LCC! My prayer was that I would find people who would be interested in supporting me. I also wrote about a few friends that I had been able to give to for their own missions trips and how good it felt to be on the giving side of missions work. This memory encouraged, and reminded me that fundraising can be an opportunity I am giving to someone to follow God's call, and trust His work happening in another part of the world.
After I read this I decided to call my mom and ask her to please make a dentist appointment for me. She called back to tell me when the appointment was scheduled for and said when the dentist found out I was serving as a missionary he said the visit would be covered! I obviously started crying on the phone. I couldn't believe it, God was actively showing me that He was going to take care of all my worries. I wrote the dentist a thank you email immediately and he responded with, "Dear Kelsey, When you walk with Him, you will not walk alone!" I am in shock. This generosity is too much, I was just praying about these medical check ups this afternoon! I truly believe that this is the beginning of an overwhelming month of feeling loved and cared for. I have so much faith that God is going to use the people closest to me, as well as some kind strangers to blow my mind with His grace and love!
As you go about your day today remember that God performs miracles everyday!
Yay! Hoping to maybe see you while you're home.