Support My Mission Here!

Monday, August 10, 2015

A Call to Support.

  We all know by now that I love my job. I love working with students, being involved in mentoring relationships, and growing myself through my time here in Lithuania, and my work in Student Development. Sometimes living in another country away from home is hard, but the purpose I feel here makes any pain worth it. 

Living on, and raising missionary support is a blessing in disguise. On one side I used to see it as a burden. "I have to work a full time job and then raise my own salary on top of that?!" The other side took some time for me to discover, it's the sweeter side of the equation. Through living a support based life I have not been able to rely on myself/my salary for comfort and security. I have been guided into the arms of the Lord every time I need something...literally anything. There have been many weeks when I wonder how far I can stretch my grocery bill, and not being able to lavish friends and family with Christmas, Birthday, or Wedding gifts this year was painful. This past year has taught me to run to God in prayer when I find myself in these situations and there has not yet been a time when I was not provided for. In this process I have also learned what I really need in life, and that doesn't always look the same as it did previously in my comfy life of options :) 

I'm not sure if God's plan will have me living off support forever or just for the next two years but I am willing to live life the way he has intended for me to, and right now that is depending on others. What a humbling experience. I have been overwhelmed with kindness, and generosity, and my faith has increased in seeing people who listen to God's call on their lives to support missions. 

I have been back in Lithuania for a week now and I am still happily reflecting on my wonderful month at home in California. Jesus really knows how to spoil me with the love of his people. I have returned to LCC feeling so affirmed and encouraged by the work that I am doing here. I got to visit and share stories with many of you last month. Many of you surprised me by agreeing to support me right there on the spot. Thank you!

As the school year is about to begin I am spending most of my time tying up loose ends and doing some last minute preparations to ensure a smooth year. This blog post is one of those tasks. Today I will mail out a bunch of thank you cards to this years financial supporters and that brings me so much joy! I wanted to say and overall thank you to everyone who has been a part of my story and invite you to be a part of my next year here at LCC through becoming a supporter. 

There are many ways to support my work here and I would love to talk to you individually about them if you are interested. ( I am in need of prayer and encouragement throughout the year, Facetime calls and update emails, and even letters if that something you like to do :) If you are interested in supporting my year financially I will list the options down below. My supporters become my employers and I work hard every day to make them proud. I will always do my best to keep you updated on the happenings at LCC and what amazing things God is doing in our students each week. Please pray about partnering with me or telling a friend, or your church about my work here in Lithuania. You are all so important to me. 

How to financially support Kelsey this year in Lithuania:

-Online giving (monthly or one-time) 

-Mail a check (state-side office)
LCC International Fund
P.O. Box 4851
San Dimas, California 91773 USA
Memo: Kelsey Bergstrom Staff Support

-Paypal Account
1. Send money to a friend
2. Email:

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