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Sunday, February 8, 2015

Past, Present, and Future.

   Lithuania's past, present, and future are each so uniquely interesting and important to understanding this part of the world. This week I got to see each aspect of Lithuania a little clearer. 


This weekend I read a book in one sitting. This book was recommended to me multiple times, by many different people, and I now see why. "Between Shades of Gray" by Ruta Sepetys is a fictional story, based off of a very real injustice that horribly affected the Baltic people. The story follows a teenage girl's perspective of her family being taken from Lithuania, and inhumanly transported to Siberia to work/die. Many of the educated Baltic people were taken from their home countries in the beginning of WWII, Stalin didn't want any skilled people left in the countries he was trying to over take. 

This is a widely untold story. It was amazing to read about the exact place I am living. These terrible realities didn't happen all that long ago, this book is set in the 1940's and Lithuania finally got its independence in 1991! We are still rebuilding. I would highly recommend this book if you are interested in learning more about the past of Lithuania, and it's people. 


The Klaipeda Light Festival was this past weekend. I admire the way Europeans embrace art of every kind. Walking around Old Town Klaipeda and seeing sculptures, and beautiful murals is such a gift. Being a part of the Light Festival, and the community that came out to join in the celebration, filled me with so much joy for the city I live in, a place that truly knows how to celebrate all things. 


This July I will be making a trip home, to reconnect with many people who love, and support me. I have been planning gatherings, in different cities along the coast to help me spend time with as many people as possible! In those conversations I would like to share about my time at LCC, what living in Lithuania looks like, and how I have grown. In order to do that I have been working on a short presentation. This has enabled me to reflect on the importance of LCC. A university that is working to rebuild Lithuania, and send out educated young professionals into the world. The work we are doing here has so much importance, and I am honored to be a part of it. 

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