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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Scavenger Hunt!

  My RA's have finally arrived and before we all know it students will be moved in, and classes will have started! My first few days with the RA's have been amazing! I am blown away by the diversity of this group, and comforted by our many similarities at the same time :) 

Our first day of training ended with a CITY WIDE scavenger hunt for different place and items around town. We had such a good time running around Klaipeda together. Here are just a few of the pictures we got from that event.

Take a picture with the most LCC students you can  find.

Take a picture with the smallest dog.
This is Lasma, Ina, Elona, and Ugis :)

A famous statue in town.

We later found that this statue wasn't on the list!

The Post Office.

One land, one people, one Lithuania monument.

The river that runs through Old Town. 

The outdoor market place. 

This is a photo I took just the other day, the clouds are amazing here. They are such a heavenly reminder of how vast and large and beautiful and powerful the God we serve is. I am in a season of looking for those reminders daily. I have been here almost a full month now I am I ever so slightly starting to miss some of the people and things back home. I would love prayers for strength and purpose as I unwrap the beautiful purpose, and gift that God has for me here.

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